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To award young scholars, not older than 35 years, who intended, also with the aid of the prize, to continue their studies and work in their particular field, even though they had already acquired special merit. To confirm the precise intention of making the prize open to every artistic, scientific and literary discipline, it was decided to name it after Leonardo da Vinci, who symbolizes the most elevated expression of the human spirit and whose genius has left profound marks in many fields of knowledge and culture.
The nomination of the prize winner is made by an eminent personality of unquestioned international reputation, selected, like the discipline, by a panel of judges formed by the Rotary Club organizing the ceremony. This is an absolute guarantee of the merits of the prize-winner and, at the same time, the distinguished figure of the prize giver.
In 1975 the amount to be awarded to the winner was two million lire or its equivalent in foreign currency, today the value of the Prize is 12,000 Euros. All the European Clubs participate with a quote, Firenze RC (the founder) participates with a quote and half.
The host Club is completely free in the organization of the ceremony. The General Secretary, nominated by RC Firenze is responsible of the contact among the involved Rotary Clubs.
Every year the Secretary General, the Presidents of the RCs and/or the Referents for the Prize meet all together to discuss the requests and the possible problems